Was talking to Sandra.

Was sitting outside New York Muffins, Williamsburg with her two dogs.

Has a jewellery stall on Bedford Avenue, Williamsburg.

A friend of Damien's.

Was sporting the hugest mohawk I've ever seen. It was coloured black with green tips and matched his clothes.

Told me he was going to run for Mayor next year and was going to win. He asked me to put sleeves on him in the drawing. You can buy his action figure by following the links on his website: http://www.rentistoodamnhigh.org

Walked past me at the Afropunk Festival. She had the most amazing purple hair.

From The City Reliquary, one of my favourite museums in New York.

Seller of amazing jewellery at the Brooklyn artist and fleas markets. Great things like this: http://www.snashjewelry.com/product/sideshow-deer-ring